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芒芒甘露 Mango Grapefruit Boom
$41.00烤黑糖波波真乳茶 Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea
$55.00千目·抹茉拿鐵 Matcha Jasmine Latte
$51.00烤黑糖波波牛乳 (首創) Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original)
$41.00芝芝抹茶 Cloud Matcha Latte
$51.00黑糖波波真乳茶 Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea
$46.00千目·抹茶拿鐵 Matcha Zen Latte
$51.00烤黑糖波波牛乳(首創) Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original)
$41.00抹雲雪冰 Matcha Cloud Shake
$51.00抹雲綠妍 Matcha Cloud Green Tea
芒芒甘露 Mango Grapefruit Boom
以波波為媒介,以愛與生命為橋梁喜茶與藝術家草間彌生,用南瓜生命吟誦大愛。 鮮切當季新鮮芒果,果肉橙黃細嫩香甜不膩。優選西米每日煮燜30分鐘,融合無香精綠妍茶湯與適量椰乳,加入紅柚果粒與椰奶凍。喜茶爆款復購,清爽解膩。$41.00烤黑糖波波真乳茶 Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea
以波波為媒介,以愛與生命為橋梁,喜茶與藝術家草間彌生,用南瓜生命吟誦大愛。 定製無香精嫣紅真茗茶底與無奶精真牛乳靈感特調,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工製成 的黑糖波波,65分鐘慢熬,口感軟糯Q彈,不同於普通珍珠;甘醇飽滿,入口絲滑。$55.00Popular烤黑糖波波牛乳(首創) Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original)
以波波為媒介,以愛與生命為橋梁,喜茶與藝術家草間彌生,用南瓜生命吟誦大愛。 2012年首創烤黑糖波波牛乳,由“布蕾珍珠奶茶”迭代而來。優選無奶精真牛乳,黑糖波波采用270天自然熟成的木薯加工製成,每日65分鐘慢熬,口感軟糯Q彈。$41.00抹茶波波冰 Matcha Bobo Shake
以波波為媒介,以愛與生命為橋梁,喜茶與藝術家草間彌生,用南瓜生命吟誦大愛。 優選細緻研磨抹茶,粉末細膩,茶味香濃。融合順滑真牛乳,攪打成細膩冰沙。搭配無奶精首創芝芝,更添濃醇奶香。頂部覆蓋每日慢熬黑糖波波,口感軟糯Q彈,茶香奶香芝香三重靈感碰撞,飽滿濃醇。$51.00
千目抹茶 Matcha Zen
千目·抹茉拿鐵 Matcha Jasmine Latte
喜茶優選含細緻研磨抹茶,粉末細膩,香味濃郁,融合經典無香精綠妍與濃醇順滑真牛乳,搭配首創濃抹雲頂,口感綿密更添抹茶醇香。茶香奶香芝香三重醇香風味靈感碰撞,芝香綿密,茶香輕盈。 Real dairy milk and selected 1000 Mesh+ Matcha are combined with HEYTEA’s signature Jasmine Green Tea and topped with Matcha Cloud. Experience the rich interplay of matcha’s bittersweet notes with the airy cheese flavor, as the tea and milk aromas unfold layer by layer.$51.00千目·抹茶拿鐵 Matcha Zen Latte
喜茶優選含細緻研磨抹茶,粉末細膩,香味濃郁,融合順滑無奶精真牛乳,搭配首創濃抹雲頂,口感綿密更添抹茶醇香。茶香奶香芝香三重醇香風味靈感碰撞,視覺及口感層次豐富,香醇飽滿。 Combining selected 1000 Mesh+ Matcha and real dairy milk, topped with Matcha Cloud, this drink creates a flavor experience where creamy milk, matcha's bittersweet notes, and Matcha Cloud come together in perfect harmony.$51.00芝芝抹茶 Cloud Matcha Latte
喜茶優選含細緻研磨抹茶,粉末細膩,茶香味濃,醇醇茶香與順滑濃醇真牛乳輕盈交織。搭配經典無奶精芝芝雲頂,碰撞細膩綿密口感,茶香奶香芝香三重融合,更呈飽滿鮮醇風味。 Real dairy milk paired with selected 1000 Mesh+ Matcha, topped with HEYTEA’s Original Cheese Cloud. This combination enhances the matcha with a rich, aromatic flavor, offering a multi-layered, smooth, and indulgent taste experience.$51.00Popular抹雲雪冰 Matcha Cloud Shake
喜茶優選細緻研磨抹茶,茶粉細膩,茶味香濃。融合順滑無奶精真牛乳,攪打成細膩冰沙。底部無奶精芝芝雲頂,增添一抹鮮醇奶香。頂部覆蓋全新濃抹雲頂,一抹青翠,綿密濃醇。抹香奶香芝香層層交織,口感濃郁鮮醇。Real dairy milk and selected 1000 Mesh+ Matcha are combined with HEYTEA’s signature Jasmine Green Tea and topped with Matcha Cloud. Experience the rich interplay of matcha’s bittersweet notes with the airy cheese flavor, as the tea and milk aromas unfold layer by layer.1000 Mesh+ Matcha creatively blends real dairy milk ice shake with a refreshing and rich matcha flavor. The base features Original$51.00抹茶波波冰 Matcha Bobo Shake
清爽真果茶 Fruit Tea
椰椰芒芒 Coconut Mango Boom
Currently sold out$38.00多肉葡萄(首創)Grape Boom(Original)
Currently sold out$35.00芒芒甘露 Mango Grapefruit Boom
Currently sold out$41.00多肉芒芒 Mango Boom
Currently sold out$38.00多肉莓莓 Strawberry Boom
喜茶經典莓莓風味,優選當季新鮮草莓製成果茸,融合甄選茶園定製綠妍茶底打製成草莓綠妍冰沙,加入彈韌0脂脆波波,口感層次豐富,莓香馥郁,清爽不膩。 HEYTEA's Signature strawberry drink. Fresh premium strawberries blended into puree, combining with Heytea's Jasmine Green Tea; lce blended fruit tea slushie. Crunchy Fat-free Bobo Pops is added for a textured mouthfeel. A great taste sensation of fresh Selected strawberries with delicate jasmine aroma.$38.00輕芝莓莓 Cloud Strawberry
優選當季新鮮草莓現製果茸,搭配清雅綠妍茶底及0脂脆波波,定製芝芝雲頂。莓香馥郁,清爽不膩。 Crafted with season-fresh strawberries blended into a rich puree, paired seamlessly with HEYTEA’s signature Jasmine Green Tea and Original Cheese Cloud. This blend is then enhanced with the crunchy Fat-Free Bobo Pops for a delightful crunch.$45.00滿杯紅柚(首創) Grapefruit Boom (Original)
2016年首創滿杯紅柚,優選新鮮紅柚,每日現切紅柚片,爆汁果粒融合定制綠妍真茗茶充盈茉莉花香,酸甜平衡超清爽。默认標準杯500ml,可根據個人喜好選擇加大杯650ml。 A HEYTEA original since 2016. Fresh grapefruit, hand-cut daily, with natural grapefruit pulp infused in refreshing Jasmine Green Tea. The combination of jasmine tea fragrance and grapefruits' bitter sweet taste keeps you coming back for more. A 650ml upsize is available for [Ice] option.$37.00酷黑莓桑 Mulberry Strawberry Boom
Currently sold out$38.00輕芝多肉葡萄(首創)Cloud Grape(Original)
Currently sold out$41.00綠妍輕檸茶 Green Lemon Breeze
Currently sold out$33.00超清爽百香绿 Passion Fruit Blast
Currently sold out$37.00多肉黑桑 Mulberry Boom
Currently sold out$38.00輕芝芒芒 Cloud Mango
Currently sold out$45.00輕芝莓桑 Cloud Mulberry Strawberry
Currently sold out$43.00
濃郁真乳茶 Milk Tea
波波真乳茶 Bobo Milk Tea
每日65分鐘慢熬黑糖波波融入經典嫣紅牛乳茶,Q彈軟糯口感與醇香並存,不同於普通珍珠,輕盈釋放。 Our Brown Sugar Bobo is slow cooked for 65min each time and prepared daily, infused in signature Red Blossom milk tea. A perfect fusion of chewy-ness and rich milk tea flavor.$33.00烤黑糖波波真乳茶 Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea
「真牛乳之星」 定製無香精嫣紅茶底與無奶精真牛乳靈感特調,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工製成的黑糖波波,65分鐘慢熬,口感軟糯Q彈不同於普通珍珠;甘醇飽滿,入口絲滑。 Concocted with real red tea base (with no artificial flavor) and real diary milk, topped with sugar boba (made with real tapioca; naturally ripen for 270 days), slow-cooked for 65 minutes, resulting in a soft and chewy texture that is different from ordinary pearls. The drink is mellow, full-bodied and silky smooth on the palate.$55.00Popular黑糖波波真乳茶 Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea
烤黑糖波波真乳茶靈感延伸,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工製成的黑糖波波,融入經典嫣紅牛乳茶。黑糖波波每日65分鐘慢熬,軟糯Q彈,不同於普通珍珠;茶香奶香,醇厚香濃。 Our brown sugar bobo is made from naturally ripen tapioca over 270 days, slow cooked for 65min and infused in signature Red Blossom Milk Tea. A perfect fusion of chewyness and rich milk tea flavor.$46.00烤黑糖波波牛乳 (首創) Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original)
2012年首創烤黑糖波波牛乳,由“布蕾珍珠奶茶”迭代而來。每日65分鐘慢熬黑糖波波融入無奶精真牛乳,口感軟糯Q彈,不同於其他珍珠;口感醇厚,不喜慎點。 A HEYTEA Original since 2012; derived from the "Creme Brulee Pearl Milk Tea". Our Brown Sugar Bobo is slow cooked for 65min each time and prepared daily. The brown sugar syrup fuses with our signature bobo, resulting a sweet, soft and chewy texture; totally different from regular pearls. This drinks delivers a rich milky taste experience. A must try.$41.00脆波波真乳茶Bobo Pop Milk Tea
喜茶經典嫣紅牛乳茶,奶香醇厚,茶香馥郁,搭配喜茶0脂脆波波,口感彈韌,增添咀嚼樂趣。 Heytea's classic blend of red blossom tea, infused together with real milk and Crunchy Fat-free Bobo Pops. together creating a rich and flavorful taste with fun chewy texture.$38.00奶茶波波冰 Milk Tea Bobo Shake
喜茶經典嫣紅茶湯融入無奶精真牛乳,打製成綿密冰沙,口感順滑,茶韻奶香甘醇飽滿。經典芝芝與慢熬黑糖波波碰撞出層次豐富的口感和風味。入口絲絲奶香,與黑糖香氣層次遞進,醇厚滿足。 HEYTEA's signature Red Blossom Tea is blended with real dairy milk (no artificial creamer), whipped into a creamy, smooth ice slush. The Original Cheese Cloud combined with Brown Sugar Bobo creates a rich and layered flavor experience. Each sip reveals a gradual layering of milky sweetness and Brown Sugar fragrance, delivering a full and satisfying taste.$51.00
茗茶 Pure Tea
芝芝綠妍茶后 (首創) Cheese Cloud Green Tea (Original)
2012年首創第一杯芝士茶,前身為“奶鹽綠茶”。 喜茶定製無香精綠妍茶底,茉莉香氣馥郁怡人。 The original cheese tea since 2012. Authentic Jasmine Green Tea, without any artificial essence or flavors. Light and delicate, with a floral scent. Topped with Cheese, without any creamers.$38.00芝芝嫣紅乳 Cloud Milk Tea
喜茶經典嫣紅真乳茶頂部覆蓋無奶精芝芝雲頂,45°傾斜大口品嘗頂部綿密芝士,再緩緩飲入順滑乳茶。奶香茶香芝香交織,口感細膩醇厚,茶香馥郁高揚。 HEYTEA’s signature Red Blossom Tea is blended with real dairy milk, topped with HEYTEA's Original Cheese Cloud. This combination enhances the Milk Tea with a rich, aromatic flavor, offering a multi-layered, smooth, and indulgent taste experience.$51.00抹雲綠妍 Matcha Cloud Green Tea
喜茶定製無香精綠妍茶底,茉莉香氣淡雅芳幽。頂部搭配全新濃抹雲頂,優選細緻研磨抹茶融入喜茶經典無奶精芝芝雲頂,口感綿密,抹茶濃郁鮮醇。綠妍茶香抹香芝香層層遞進,芝香綿密,茶香輕盈。 The Green Tea base offers a light, elegant jasmine aroma. Topped with the new Matcha Cloud, made from finely ground matcha blended with HEYTEA's signature Cheese Cloud (Original).The texture is smooth and creamy, with a rich, fresh matcha flavor. The layers of green tea, matcha, and cheese foam complement each other, delivering a light and refreshing experience.$42.00純綠妍茶后 Pure Green Tea
獨家定製無香精綠妍茶底,氣質淡雅芳幽,茉莉香氣清逸。 Brewed with authentic Jasmine Green Tea, without any artificial essence or flavors. Light and delicate, with a floral scent.$25.00
輕負擔推薦 Lite Recs.
满杯红柚(首創) Grapefruit Boom (Original)
2016年首創滿杯紅柚,精選新鮮西柚,每日現切西柚片,爆汁果粒融合定製綠妍真茗茶底充盈茉莉花香,酸甜平衡超清爽。默認標準杯500ml,可根據個人喜好選擇加大杯650ml。Inspired by heytea original. Selected fresh grapefruite pulp, juicy and refreshing. Infused with authentic regal aqua green jasmine tea, without any artificial essence. For a mouthful of grapefruit delight. Available in500ml (standard) and 650ml (upsized).$37.00多肉葡萄(首創) Grape Boom(Original)
Currently sold out$35.00綠妍輕檸茶 Green Lemon Breeze
Currently sold out$33.00純綠妍茶后 Pure Green Tea
獨家定製無香精綠妍茶底,氣質淡雅芳幽,茉莉香氣清逸。Brewd with authentic Regal Aqua Green Jasmine Tea, without any artifical essence or flavors. Light and delicate, with a floral scent.$25.00超清爽百香绿 Passion Fruit Blast
Currently sold out$37.00
經典 Classic
芝芝芒芒 (首創) Fluffy Cloud Mango (Original)
Currently sold out$53.00Popular芝芝多肉葡萄 (首創) Fluffy Cloud Grape (Original)
Currently sold out$53.00Popular
抹茶泡芙 Matcha Puff
抹茶牛乳忌廉加入紅豆,製成真牛乳抹茶紅豆風味忌廉餡,注入酥脆扁桃仁泡芙皮,外裹抹茶可可脂朱古力脆皮。三重口感,料滿餡足,抹茶風味濃郁。 致敏原提示:本產品含有堅果、小麥、雞蛋、乳、大豆成分,可能含有花生成分,請過敏體質者酌情選擇。 貼士: *本產品含有堅果、小麥、雞蛋、乳、大豆成分,可能含有花生成分。 *即食食品,盡快食用,請勿長時間儲存。 *數量聲明:此商品單個售賣。 *商品克重50g$19.00榛巧泡芙 Hazelnut Chocolate Puff
原料:可可脂朱古力風味忌廉餡、酥脆榛果碎泡芙皮 致敏原提示:本產品含有堅果、小麥、雞蛋、乳、大豆成分,可能含有花生成分,請過敏體質者酌情選擇。 貼士: *本產品含有堅果、小麥、雞蛋、乳、大豆成分,可能含有花生成分 *即食食品,盡快食用,請勿長時間儲存。 *數量聲明:此商品單個售賣。 *商品克重50g Rich chocolate blended with cream creates authentic milk cocoa butter chocolate cream filling, injected into crispy hazelnut puff pastry and coated with a cocoa butter chocolate shell. Three layers of texture, fully packed with filling, offering a rich chocolate flavor.$19.00金鳳茶酥 King Fone Tea Cookie
喜茶定製金鳳烏龍茶,融入傳統桃酥,頂部搭配碧根果碎, 茶香中帶有堅果香氣,酥松香脆,輕甜不膩 致敏原提示:本產品含有含麩質的谷物、乳、堅果成分,可能含有蛋類、大豆、花生成分,請過敏體質者酌情選擇。 貼士: *本產品含有含麩質的谷物、乳、堅果成分,可能含有蛋類、大豆、花生 *開袋即食(開封後請儘快食用) *數量聲明:此商品單片售賣。 *商品克重10g HEYTEA's signature King Fone Oolong Tea is blended within traditional walnut cookie and topped with pecan pieces. The cookie features a delightful mix of tea and nutty aromas, offering a crisp and fragrant texture with a light touch of sweetness. Allergy Reminder: This product contains cereals containing gluten, milk and$5.00
小料(分装) Extra(On the side)
0脂脆波波Fat-free Bobo Pops
經典0脂脆波波,Q彈爽口,透亮彈牙,嚼出嘭嘭感。 Transparent Fat-free Bobo Pops made from Konnyaku. Chew a bouncy and crunchy texture.$5.00芝芝雲頂Cheese Cloud (Original)
喜茶首創,經典無奶精芝芝奶蓋,芝士使用動物性奶油及真牛乳打製,不添加奶蓋粉、植物奶油。 Signature real dairy Cheezo topping with no artificial creamers. A HEYTEA Original.$12.00椰奶凍 Coconut Milk Jelly
每日現製椰奶凍,口感彈嫩軟滑,椰香清甜。 Freshly made coconut milk jelly every day, with a soft, bouncy texture and a light, sweet coconut flavor.$6.00茉莉茶凍 Jasmine Jelly
優選喜茶經典無香精綠妍茶湯,每日現製茉莉茶凍,細膩滑嫩,茉香怡人。 Using HEYTEA's signature Jasmine Green Tea without added Flavours, our jasmine jelly is freshly made every day, offering a delicate, silky texture and a naturally pleasant jasmine aroma.$4.00西米sago
每日新鮮煮製,先經過30分鐘燜煮後再用凍水降溫,Q軟爽口清新不膩。 Freshly cooked for daily. Braised for 30 minutes first, then cool with cold water. Real pure taste with the soft and springy texture.$4.00輕芝芝雲頂Light Cheese Cloud
喜茶首創經典無奶精芝士,使用動物性奶油及真牛乳打制,不添加奶蓋粉與植物奶油。特別調整芝士分量,薄芝士輕輕覆蓋於飲品頂部,依舊經典芝芝風味。 HEYTEA's Original Cheese Cloud, made from animal-based cream and real milk, without any artifical creamers or plant base cream. We specially refined the amount of cheese to complement the drink while maintaining its classic cheesy flavor.$7.00慢熬黑糖波波Brown Sugar Bobo
每日65分钟慢熬,黑糖液融入波波中,黑糖味濃郁,口感軟糯Q彈,不同於普通珍珠。 Slow cooked for 65min each time and prepared daily. The brown sugar syrup fuses with our signature bobo, resulting a sweet, soft and chewy texture; totally different from regular pearls.$5.00紅柚果粒Grapefruit Pulp
來點靈感小料,粒粒飽滿爽脆爆汁。 Juicy and refreshing. Blast juice on your tongue tip.$5.00